Effective Assistance With All Child-Related Family Law Needs
When you are facing a child-related legal matter, an unfavorable outcome is not acceptable. You deserve representation that will honor how important the issue is to you from an attorney who knows how to secure the resolution you need. I assist with a range of child-related family law matters, including:
- Child custody – When the court is stepping in to make critical decisions that can affect the time you get to spend with your child and your right to make decisions about how he or she is raised, you need to know that you have the support of an attorney who can deliver the results you need. I can help you understand the difference between legal custody and physical custody while I work to secure a child custody arrangement that benefits you and your child. I assist with child custody determinations for divorcing couples and couples who were not married.
- Child support – Child support levels are determined by a formula in state guidelines here in South Carolina. The guidelines consider a variety of factors, including each parent’s gross income and certain expenses to determine what is the appropriate amount of child support for a particular situation. I can help ensure that appropriate child support levels are set to ensure your needs and your child’s needs are met.
The family court understands that a custody or support order may need updating when a family’s circumstances significantly change and allows for modification. However, the modification process can be complicated without the help of an attorney. I can assist you with modifying an existing court order when the one you have does not meet the needs of your current situation.
Creating Solutions To Honor Your Relationship With Your Children
I am attorney Chip Howard, founding attorney of Howard Law Firm, P.A. I have more than 15 years of experience helping people through the most challenging situations following separation or divorce. I use that experience to create the solutions my clients deserve. Child-related legal matters can be some of the most stressful. I know this, and I do everything I can to effectively advocate for you and to make the process easier to bear. I treat my clients with the respect they deserve.
Get In Touch With A Compassionate Child Custody Lawyer
Serving Greenville and the surrounding communities, I am here to help people secure the resolutions they need when deciding about child-related issues. To schedule a free initial consultation, call my office in Greenville at 864-832-2015 or contact my office online.